Deutsch: GlühtechnikSprache wählen - select languageenglish: heat treatmentVorwärmen, Spannungsarmglühen, Diffusionsglühen, Wasserstoffarmglühen, Effusionsglühen, Normalisieren, Lösungsglühen, Austrocknen
Industrial services



To download please click on the corresponding picture.
 Information brochure
 Here you can download our information brochure. It will give you a quick  insight into our company.
 Languages german and english
 Our current product-cataloge.
 Languages german and english
 DIN EN ISO 9001 - Certificate
ISO 9001
 Please download our current ISO 9001 certificate in German and English.
 Audits are carried out by an independent organisation on our premises and on  our German and foreign construction sites at least once a year.
 SCCP (international) - Certificate
SCC Zertifikat
 Here please find our current SCCP (SCC**) certificate in German and English.
 Audits are carried out by an independent organisation on our premises and on  our German and foreign construction sites at least once a year.
 SCP (international) - Certificate
SCP Zertifikat
 Here please find our current SCCP (SCC**) certificate in German and English.
 SCP Temporary Employment Agencies
 TÜV - Certificate
 AD-Merkblatt HP 7/1 „Wärmebehandlung, allgemeine Grundsätze“
 KTA 3201.3, Punkt 8 „Wärmebehandlung“
 AD-Merkblatt HP 7/2 „Wärmebehandlung Ferritische Stähle“
 AD-Merkblatt HP 7/3 „Wärmebehandlung Austenitische Stähle“
 IHK - Certified training company
 We are a certified training company since 17th December 2007.
  Our company is certified by the Chamber of Commerce of North Rhine-
  Westphalia and is a recognized training company according to the German
  Vocational Training ACT.
 General terms and conditions of trade (AGBs)
 AÜG - permit certificate
 Permit to German Law on Labor Leasing